Friday, 18 November 2016

Steel Space Structure - An Introduction & Its applications

Space Structure :

Space structure applications
The Space Structure, as the name implies, is a three-dimensional structure which caters to the needs of the industrial as well as infrastructure and architectural projects. It provides the required supporting structure while enhancing the aesthetics and performance of the structures.
A space structure is a truss-like, lightweight structures rigid structure constructed from interlocking struts in a geometric pattern. Space frames usually utilise a multi-directional span and are often used to accomplish long spans with few supports. They derive their strength from the inherent rigidity of the triangular frame; flexing loads (bending moments) are transmitted as tension and compression loads along the length of each structure.
Space frames structures are double layered grids, excellent in appearance with large column free spaces. All type of elegant shape could be made by these systems using the variety of grids. Two-way actions of space frames provide both economy and enormous spanning capability. Larger portable stages and lighting gantries are also frequently built from space frames structures and octet trusses.
Space structure applications -  dome structure
We are engaged in offering a wide range of Steel Space Structures which are available at industry leading prices. Our products enhance the aesthetic appeal of public places & office buildings and can be customised as per the client’s requirement. Our range of product is widely appreciated by our clients for their various distinctive features such as excellent strength, longer service life and optimum quality.

Space Structure systems


Space structure
Steel space structure or space structure is a truss-like, lightweight structure rigid structure constructed from interlocking struts in a geometric pattern. Space structures usually utilise a multi-directional span and are often used to accomplish long spans with few supports. They derive their strength from the inherent rigidity of the triangular frame; flexing loads (bending moments) are transmitted as tension and compression loads along the length of each structure.
Space structure roofs/sheds are double layered grids, excellent in appearance with large column free spaces. All type of complex shape could be made by these systems using a variety of grids. Two-way actions of space structures provide both economy and enormous spanning capability. Larger portable stages and lighting gantries are also frequently built from space structures sheds/buildings and octet trusses.

Salient features for steel space structure

  • Enormous spanning capability.
  • Lightweight structures/sheds
  • High aesthetics
  • Higher safety factor
  • Extension with additional unit

Prefabricated Space Structure

Space structure applications  - airport terminal buildings

Prefabricated tubular steel structures the tubular section has more tensional resistance than other sections including the solid round one in different sizes. These tubular sheds are entirely prefabricated and can be transported to the site in knock-down condition. If welding problem so no welding is required at the site.
  • These are following advantages of pre –fabricated tubular sheds:
  • These are pre-fabricated sheds.
  • If welding problem so no welding at the site is required. It is very safe for industries were welding inside the plant is restricted.
  • The construction time is very less in comparison to conventional steel/RCC structures.
  • Theses prefabricated tubular steel sheds/structures are designed as per ISI/IS/BS/AISC standard.
  • The tubular sections have more tensional resistance than other sections of the equal weights. The tube sections have higher frequency vibrations under dynamic
  • The prefabricated steel tubular structures sections have as much as 30 to 40 % less weight that of equivalent rolled steel shape. The possibility of corrosion is less. The ends of tubes are sealed. As result of this, the interior surface is not subjected to corrosion. The use of tubular members is becoming more generally adopted for structures.
  • Tubes are of special interest to the architects from an effective viewpoint and to the engineers from structural effectiveness viewpoint.


Airport terminal buildingAirport hangarAircraft hangerIndustrial ShedsFactory Shedslarge span shedsDry coal shedlimestone storage shedcoal storage shedclinker storage shedgypsum storage shedCoal stockyard/stockpile  shediron ore shed etc.
We are engaged in offering a wide range of space structure which is available at industry leading prices. Our products enhance the aesthetic appeal of public places & office buildings and can be customised as per the client’s requirement. Our range of product is widely appreciated by our clients for their various distinctive features such as excellent strength, longer service life and optimum quality. We are space structure suppliers, space structure manufacturers, space frame, space structure, steel space frame, steel space structure manufacturers. Please visit our website

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